
“These Illegal Barbarians Have Not Come This Far – to Stop Now… They’re Only Going to Be Stopped When They Get Stopped” – Steve Bannon Predicts Trump Will be Sent to Prison by Lawless Merchan

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Steve Bannon and Jeff Clark on the barbarians on the left.

Esteemed Attorney Jeff Clark joined the War Room on Saturday to discuss the historic Supreme Court cases that will be decided next week.

During the interview Steve Bannon asked Jeff Clark if he expected lawless Judge Merchan to jail Trump in July on the bogus convictions in the Alvin Bragg lawfare case.

Jeff Clark was not sure that lawless Merchan would have the balls to jail Trump.

Steve Bannon refuted Clark and announced he believes Merchan will jail Trump on November 6, 2024, the day after the election.

Bannon then pointed out the obvious to anyone paying attention – the lawless Marxists will continue to destroy this country.