
CBS’s Margaret Brennan Condescendingly Argues with Voter Over Biden’s Lack of Vetting For Illegals He Allowed in (VIDEO)

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CBS’s Margaret Brennan’s cosmopolitan elitism was in full force on Sunday as she lectured voters on Biden’s lack of vetting for the illegals he has welcomed in.

Margaret Brennan condescendingly argued with a voter over Joe Biden’s deadly open borders policies that have allowed rapists, MS-13 gang members and terrorists into the country.

Voters appeared on a panel on “Face the Nation” on Sunday to discuss Biden’s failed policies.

One voter said Biden’s open border policies are dangerous because there is no proper vetting process.

More than 15 million illegal aliens – mainly military-age males – have invaded the US on Biden’s watch.

Joe Biden took 94 executive actions in his first 100 days in office to destroy the border.