
Here’s the Condition that May Be Causing Biden to Freeze Up as Obama Incident Has Democrats Terrified: Doctors

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This X screen shot shows President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, and television personality Jimmy Kimmel at a fundraiser on June 15, 2024.

This X screen shot shows President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, and television personality Jimmy Kimmel at a fundraiser on June 15, 2024.

Medical doctors are speculating that President Joe Biden may have Parkinson’s disease based on his instances of freezing at public events.

Biden, 81, has had three high profile examples of this in the last several days.

First, while attending the G7 summit in Italy earlier this month the president appeared to wander off to talk to paratroopers who had participated in a skydiving demonstration.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni then went over and wrangled him up. Some of the other G7 leaders seemed to take note of Biden’s behavior too.

JUST IN: President Biden appears to start wandering off at the G7 summit and has to be handled back in.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was seen grabbing Biden to bring him back to the group.