
Inside J6 This Week: House Republicans Move to *Nullify* J6 Sham Committee – Special Interview with Proud Boys’ James Brett

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A pre-dawn FBI raid on the home of US Marine and Proud Boy, James Brett


Last week on Inside J6, we discussed certain GOP House members who moved to delegitimize the J6 Sham Committee, which would ultimately rescind the subpoenas that are being used to lock up Donald Trump associates Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon.  The proposal is being led by Representatives Thomas Massie (R-KY), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Eric Burlison (R-MO) and has at least 21 Republican co-sponsors.

You can read the article from The Gateway Pundit on this proposal, that would not require Senate approval, here.

We also discussed Representative Matt Gaetz, who signed on as a co-sponsor in the above-mentioned proposal,