World’s Largest Pilot Union’s Woke Agenda: Urges Ban on ‘Offensive’ Terms Like ‘Cockpit’ and ‘Manpower’
Image: Wikimedia
The Air Line Pilots Association International (ALPA), which represents over 70,000 pilots worldwide, wants to ensure that they are aligned with the woke DEI policies pushed by radical Marxists.
In their 2021 diversity, equity, and inclusion language guide, the ALPA lists numerous terms and phrases to avoid to further the “inclusion” of women, transgenders, and “non-binary” individuals.
The guide suggests replacing terms like “cockpit” and “manpower” because they denigrate women.
No matter that “cockpit” is said to have originated from 16th-century cockfighting and evolved to describe tense fighting environments.
The guide even suggests avoiding using terms like “mother/father” or “husband/wife” which are somehow offensive.
The guide suggests replacing “cockpit” with “flight deck,” citing that the former term has been used derogatorily to exclude women.