
BREAKING: Big News for Steve Bannon! — Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group Votes that J6 Committee Was ILLEGITIMATE — House to File Amicus Brief with Supreme Court [VIDEO]

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Late in the evening on Tuesday, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson announced that the House would file an amicus brief in support of Steve Bannon’s appeal against his contempt of Congress conviction related to the J6 investigation by the illegitimate January 6th Committee.

Screenshot – Speaker Mike Johnson

The Citizen Press tweeted about the “Big news” for Steve Bannon Tuesday night:

1) The Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) voted tonight 3-2, confirming the official legal position of the House is that the J6 committee was illegitimate, and all subpoenas issued by the committee were also illegitimate.

2) BLAG has now directed the House Office of General Counsel to file an Amicus Brief in support of Steve Bannon with Justice Roberts.