
CONFIRMED: Evidence Proves BOTH the FBI and CIA Were Deeply Involved in the Historic 2020 Election Lie that Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Russian Propaganda

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The Spies Who Lie: The NY Post’s historic cover on the 51 intel experts who lied to the American public about the Hunter Biden laptop being a Russian op.

The House Judiciary Committee released information on Tuesday that revealed that CIA contractors colluded with the Biden campaign in 2020 to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop.

In October 2020, just days before the presidential election, 51 former intelligence officials signed and published a letter that baselessly decried the contents of Hunter’s ‘laptop from hell’ had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

This was a lie.  They all knew it was a lie. The fake news media ran with the story anyway. And the fake news even used it during the debate to bash President Trump.