
DNC Funnels Millions to Law Firms Involved in Unprecedented Lawfare Against Trump, FEC Records Reveal

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The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has funneled millions of dollars to law firms deeply engaged in a relentless lawfare campaign against President Donald Trump.

The information was exposed through a thorough review of Federal Election Commission (FEC) records by the Daily Caller.

According to the FEC filings, the DNC has paid close to $2 million since August 2021 to Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP for ‘legal services’. The founding partner of this firm, Roberta A. Kaplan, is known for representing E. Jean Carroll in her sexual assault and defamation suits against Trump. It’s worth noting that from its inception in 2017 until August 2021, the DNC had not paid this firm for any services.