
Masked Anti-Israel Protester Who Took Over NY Subway Car and Demanded Jews Identify Themselves and Warned ‘This is Your Chance to Get Out’ Turns Himself In After Manhunt

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Anas Saleh was arrested after the NYPD released his photo following disturbing behavior following an anti-Israel protest./Image: NYPD.

The Gateway Pundit reported that after leaving a protest outside an exhibit honoring Oct. 7 victims, a group of masked anti-Israel protestors took over a New York City subway car and demanded Jews identify themselves.

The Nova Exhibition is a powerful and moving tribute to the lives lost at the hands of Hamas terrorists as they stormed the peaceful musical festival to murder, rape, and kidnap the young people attending the event.

As the Hamas supporters entered a NYC subway car, one of the masked protestors told any “Zionists” on the train to raise their hands before warning them,