
DEVELOPING: Attempted Military Coup in Bolivia – Rebelling Troops Storm Presidential Palace To Depose Socialist Luis Arce, but Later Withdraw – Situation Is in Flux (VIDEO)

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The powder keg that is South America has produced another bang, as units of the Bolivian Armed Forces rebelled in La Paz and stormed the Bolivian Presidential Palace to depose Socialist Luis Arce.

A small group of Army troops, led by rebel generals, marched towards the Palace announcing that the current Bolivian Socialist Regime ‘was over’, and that and a new Cabinet would be installed by force.

Bolivia’s controversial Socialist leader, Luis Arce, denounced the ‘irregular movements of the army’, calling them ‘reactionaries and fascists’ trying to ‘overthrow Bolivian democracy’.

As is always the case, the formidable network of Latin American socialist leaders immediately rose in unison to condemn the ongoing coup: Arce’s Bolivian rival,