
WATCH: Trump-Hating former Congressman Adam Kinzinger Endorses Joe Biden for President, Claims The 81 Million Vote Getter “Will Always Protect Democracy”

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On Wednesday, the sham J6 Committee’s RINO former Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger announced an endorsement for Joe Biden’s reelection bid.

Kinzinger unofficially joined the radical left long ago. Not only did he serve on the January 6th committee and impeach Trump, but he almost completely rubberstamped Biden’s radical left policy agenda. Now that he has no future in the Republican Party, he’s gone full leftist.

Kinzinger released the following video statement, laughably claiming that Joe Biden “will always protect the very thing that makes America the best country in the world: Our Democracy.” He also repeated the lies from Democrats and the fake news media that Trump “called for termination of the Constitution” and “wants to be a dictator on day one.”

But he’s okay with Joe Biden attempting to jail his political opponents and declaring Trump supporters domestic terror threats and enemies of the State.