
Biden Lies in Debate, Says No US Troops Killed During His Presidency (Video)

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Joe Biden insulted the honored dead killed in Afghanistan and Syria, and their families, during his debate with President Trump in Atlanta Thursday night, bizarrely claiming that no troops have died “anywhere in the world” during his presidency.

Thirteen U.S. troops were killed in a terrorist attack at the Kabul airport during Biden’s disastrous retreat from Afghanistan in August 2021. Three U.S. troops from a guard uniy in Georgia were killed in a terrorist attack in Syria in just six months ago.

Biden said at the debate, “The notion that we were this safe country. The truth is I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any, this, this decade, that doesn’t (have) any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did.”

Biden says that he’s the “only president of the 20th century” who has had no American troops dead since he’s been president.