
Gov. Gavin Newsom Answers If He Will Step in for Joe Biden (VIDEO)

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Following CNN’s presidential debate, the Democrat Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, was asked several questions about replacing Joe Biden as the Democratic Presidential nominee.

Newsom, who was invited to the debate by Biden, was asked by a reporter following the debate, “Are you going to the be the next Democratic nominee?”

Gov. Newsom quickly responded, “No, our nominee is Joe Biden.”

“Looking forward to voting for him in November,” added Newsom.


I just asked Governor Gavin Newsome: are you going to be the next democratic nominee? That’s his answer, while he’s glowing pic.twitter.com/W3JjsNtS0h

— נריה קראוס Neria Kraus (@NeriaKraus) June 28, 2024

Newsom was later asked a similar question on CNN and answered,