
CNN Blamed by Biden Family for Joe’s Poor Debate Showing: Make-Up Made Biden Look ‘Pale and Pallid’

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The Biden family and staff members are casting blame on CNN for Joe Biden’s poor performance in his debate with President Trump in Atlanta last Thursday, according to reports. Biden appeared frail, dazed, confused and had trouble speaking lucidly and completing thoughts while allegedly suffering from a cold, but CNN is being attacked for making Biden look “pale and pallid.”

Biden had set the terms of the debate, with little pushback from Trump who had been demanding a debate with Biden “anytime, any place.” Biden had CNN host the debate in late June rather than in the traditional fall campaign season, demanded no audience and a mute button for Trump. Trump showed up and Biden got humiliated on national television in a debate that was meant to reset the presidential campaign in Biden’s favor but ended up imploding it.