
J6 Political Hostage Darrell Neely Released From Prison After 3 Years Of Incarceration For Walking Around US Capitol Building on Jan. 6

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After enduring three and half years of incarceration for cavalierly strolling through the U.S. Capitol building for a few minutes on Jan. 6, 2021, radio talk show host Darrel Neelly is a free man.

Neely was released from FCI McDowell in Welch, West Virginia last week after serving a 28-month prison sentence, most of which he was held in pretrial detention, for misdemeanor counts.

On one of his last calls from prison before his release, the radio and YouTube broadcaster told The Gateway Pundit that he intends to hit the ground running and return to the airwaves to help secure former President Donald Trump’s electoral victory in November and help the other political prisoners who are still going through hell behind bars.