
Clown Show: Biden Campaign Grants Trump’s Communications Advisor Steven Cheung Access to Private Internal Call Using His Official Trump Campaign Email

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Trump campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung (Credit: Getty Images)

Trump’s campaign spokesman Steven Cheung managed to infiltrate an internal call of the Biden campaign. The funny part is, Cheung didn’t use any cloak and dagger tactics – he simply used his official Trump campaign email.

Cheung took to the social media platform X to share his experience. In a series of posts, he exposed the Biden campaign’s lax security measures and their disheartening attitude toward the ongoing political battle.

“On the Biden campaign call, deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks admits that the SCOTUS ruling makes President Trump, ‘Immune, immune, immune!’” Cheung wrote in one post.

On the Biden campaign call, deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks admits that the SCOTUS ruling makes President Trump,