
Russians Pound Mirgorod Base With Iskander Missiles, Destroy Five Fighter Jets and Damage Two in Worst Daily Losses for Ukrainian Air Force (VIDEO)

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For months, we have been hearing how Ukraine is ‘soon’ to receive f-16 planes from the West, in a bid to rebuild its decimated Air Force.

In the meantime, Russian Federation forces are repeatedly targeting the main air fields and extending the destruction list of fighter jets that’s almost at 100 planes since the start of the war.

The Mirgorod air base, located 100 miles from the frontline  in the Poltava region, suffered multiple attacks in the month of June – and the attacks are getting ever more destructive.

Yesterday, a Russian Orlan surveillance drone was surveilling the Mirgorod air base, and spotted ‘at least six’ Ukrainian Su-27 supersonic fighters parked in the open at the base in broad daylight.