
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey Sues New York For “Waging War on American Democracy” – “Illegally Scheming” to Jail President Trump

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Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey


After threatening legal action last week, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed a lawsuit today against the State of New York claiming that the stay against President Donald Trump, the front-runner in the 2024 Election, should be put aside.  AG Bailey is also calling on the US Supreme Court to invoke its original jurisdiction to hear the case.

AG Bailey states that the gag order “threaten[s] to infringe the rights of Missouri’s voters and electors.”  Specifically that New York’s gag order and impending sentence unlawfully :

  • impede[s] the ability of electors to fulfill their federal functions.
  • violate[s] the Purcell principle.
  • violate[s] the First Amendment rights of Missouri citizens to listen to the campaign speech of a specific individual on specific topics.