
POLITICAL PERSECUTION: The Stench of Joe Biden Engulfs Brazil – Popular former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Is Indicted by Socialist Regime for Alleged Money Laundering and Criminal Association

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As the winner of the heavily contested Brazilian Presidential election, Lula da Silva is bogged in an ineffective government with very little popular support; former President Jair Bolsonaro is still gathering huge crowds wherever he goes in the country.

But the stronger Bolsonaro gets, the more extreme the political persecution against him becomes.

Now, Brazil’s Federal Police have indicted Bolsonaro for ‘money laundering and criminal association.’

The charges are reportedly related to ‘undeclared diamonds’ received from Saudi Arabia during his time in office.

This week, Bolsonaro held a hero’s reception in the northern city of Belém.

Associated Press reported:

“Brazil’s Supreme Court has yet to receive the police report with the indictment.