
John L. Kachelman, Jr: The Hypocritical Oath of the Political Class

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Guest post by John Kachelman, Jr.

The Hippocratic oath is well-known. It is an ethic code dictating the medical profession. It is named after the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. It is respected as a guide for the healing professional’s conduct.

It is still used in the graduation ceremonies of many medical schools. Its code of principles dictates the obligatory ethical behavior of those practicing the medical arts.

There is another oath

But this article introduces another oath governing those elected to political office. It is the Hypocritical Oath. This is disconcerting. It is incensing. It is inexcusable.

But it is casually accepted and cunningly justified. It is the old “bait and switch” con on the political level—the citizen is told the POL will do one thing only to see the exact opposite is being practiced once the POL is safely ensconced within the beltway!