
Milwaukee Radio Station Admits Biden Campaign Demanded They Edit Joe Biden’s Interview to Remove Unfavorable Portions – And They Consented – Here Are the Edits

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Joe Biden did two pre-recorded radio interviews following his disastrous debate – one with Wisconsin-based WAUK and the other with Philly-based WURD.

Both interviews aired last Thursday morning.

Both radio hosts – Earl Ingram (WAUK) and Andrea Lawful-Sanders (WURD) – admitted the Biden White House sent them scripted questions.

Andrea Lawful-Sanders was fired earlier this week.

On Thursday Civic Media management admitted Biden’s team demanded they make two edits to his dumpster fire interview – and they consented.

In an interview with Wisconsin-based Earl Ingram on WAUK, Biden conceded that he screwed up during his debate against Trump.

“I’m proud to be running for reelection as a president who’s made his promises and I’ve kept them,” Biden said to Earl Ingram.