
House Republicans Must Join Rep. Anna Paulina Luna And Hold Merrick Garland In Inherent Contempt As Soon As Congress Returns

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Once Republicans return from the RNC, which is being held next week in Milwaukee, they must join Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s measure to hold Merrick Garland in inherent contempt over his failure to turn over crucial videos as part of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s investigation into Biden for mishandling classified documents.  On Thursday, Congressman Luna’s measure was narrowly defeated by a 204-210 vote, with four Republicans (Reps. John Duarte, David Joyce, Michael Turner, and Tom McClintock) siding with their Democratic peers, and a dozen others failing to show up altogether.

On paper, the decision whether to hold Garland in contempt of his constitutional duties was as straightforward as any issue should be for Republicans.  The Attorney General should have already been facing the legal consequences for his likely criminal actions.