
Bombshell Whistleblower Testimony: Biden Regime Paying BILLIONS to Facilitate Child Trafficking via Government Contractors

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Guest Post by Miriam Judith.

During a round table held by Republican Senators on Tuesday, federal whistleblowers claimed that the Biden Regime is facilitating the trafficking of migrant children via contractors receiving billions of taxpayer dollars.

Deborah White and her colleague Tara Rodes, who are federal employees in the Health and Human Services Unaccompanied Child Program, both testified that the Office of Refugee Resettlement sent thousands of unaccompanied migrant children into potentially dangerous environments after failing to properly vet the sponsors they were being placed with.

According to White, there’s no question: these kids are being trafficked – and the Biden Regime is “complicit.”

From White’s shocking testimony:

“What I discovered was horrifying… Make no mistake – children were not going to their parents they were being trafficked with billions of taxpayer dollars by a contractor failing to to vet sponsors and process children safely with government officials complicit in it.”

In one example,