
Georgia State Election Board Meeting Erupts in Chaos as Members Address Fulton County Subversion of 2024 Election Monitor Ruling

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The Georgia State Election Board reconvened Tuesday’s meeting on Thursday, July 12th with a quorum

This past Tuesday, the Georgia State Election Board (SEB) held a scheduled meeting to discuss several new agenda items that were brought before the Board.

However, prior to the agenda being discussed, a motion was introduced by Board member Dr. Jan Johnston and seconded by the Board’s newest member, Janelle King.

The motion was to permit the complainants of SEB Complaint 2023-025 to be heard.  Traditionally, complainants have been permitted to speak when their complaint was being heard and presented.

However, a unilateral rule change made SEB 2023-025 the first complaint where the researchers who brought forth the complaint were not permitted a rebuttal to,