
Muskegon Michigan, Voter Registration Fraud Capital, Caught Sending Double Ballots to City Voters

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Muskegon, Michigan, the same Michigan city where GBI Strategies tried to register 8,000 fake voters in a day, an investigation into which the corrupt FBI has been sitting on for years even though it involved explicit criminality, admitted Thursday that they sent out two absentee ballots to every voter in three precincts.

Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch wrote to residents, ” Please destroy or return the original ballot.”

The City of Muskegon, population 38,220, only has nine precincts, meaning that a third of the city’s voters are going to receive a double-set of ballots. Under Michigan law a precinct has less than 2,999 active voters.

The Elections Department does not work on Fridays,