
Analysts Report Increase in Political Assassinations Worldwide

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As reported by The Gateway Pundit, in Butler, Pennsylvania, about 35 miles north of Pittsburgh, a gunman opened fire on former President Donald Trump during a political rally.

Around the globe, political-inspired killings – both accomplished and attempted – are on the rise, according to security analysts.

Second Eyewitness at Trump’s Rally Comes Forward and Tells CBS He Warned Officers of Shooter Crawling on Roof (VIDEO)

READ: https://t.co/WhNBKolK9h pic.twitter.com/AdDaszOI8z

— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) July 14, 2024

The Washington Times reports,

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot on May 15 following a government meeting in the central Slovakian town of Handlova.