
Angry Euro-Globalists Move to Boycott Orbán’s EU Presidency, Are Desperate To Crush His Peace Initiative

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Orban versus EU’s Joseph Borrell, Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel.

The long dispute between Hungarian Prime Minister and Conservative Champion Viktor Orbán and the European Union apparatus is one of the most consequential geopolitical stories of our times, at the end of which we will know whether or not any European country still has the right to national sovereignty.

Globalists and Euro-fanatics have harsh words for Orbán, and to read him called ‘Putin’s pawn’ is incredibly NOT an extreme example.

Of course, the Hungarian leader also has rash words for the EU supranational behemoth. After all, who can forget this famous burn: Hungary’s Orbán Calls the European Union a ‘Bad Contemporary Parody’ of the Soviet Union.