
WAYNE ROOT: I Told You Trump was “The Chosen One.” What’s Happening is Biblical. After the Past 48 Hours, Everyone Understands!

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Former President Donald Trump after being shot at a Pennsylvania rally.Former President Donald Trump after being shot at a Pennsylvania rally.Former President Donald Trump after being shot at a Pennsylvania rally in July, 2024.

By Wayne Allyn Root

I look at life from a unique perspective: as a true-blue Barry Goldwater/Ronald Reagan conservative patriot since age 3; as a capitalist evangelist who has started dozens of successful businesses; as a blue-collar S.O.B. (son of a butcher) turned Ivy Leaguer; and perhaps most importantly, as a Messianic Jew. I took Jesus Christ as my savior 34 years ago.

Maybe that’s why I saw something in Donald J. Trump that others could not see.

I’ve written and spoken on my TV shows so many times about “The Trump Miracle” and about Trump being “The Chosen One”- chosen by God for this moment.