
Biden Staffers Slip Him Note While on Call with Democrat Lawmakers, Reads Note Outloud, ‘You Are Sounding Defensive’

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Biden reads off of pre-approved list for questions at “big boy” press conference.

On a recent call with Democrat lawmakers to assuage concerns about his declining mental capacity and to shore up support for his continuation on the top of the ticket, staffers handed Joe Biden a private note critiquing his tone and telling him to “stay positive.”

Biden then read the note out loud to those on the call.

According to the New York Times, a staffer gave Biden a note card with tips saying, “Stay positive, you are sounding defensive,” Biden then repeated the private note on the call, seemingly reading directly from his staffer’s missive.

One lawmaker told the New York Times that the moment was an example of how “stage-managed” calls between the president and lawmakers are.