
‘If You Can’t Beat Him, Join Him’: Top Biden Surrogate Rep. Joyce Beatty Claims Democrats Are MAGA

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MAGA “extremists” are popping up where you’d least expect them.

Congressional Black Caucus Rep. Joyce Beatty claimed the Democrat Party’s agenda will “Make America great again” while delivering remarks supporting Joe Biden at a campaign press conference in Milwaukee on Thursday.

During remarks, he Ohio lawmaker incessantly played the race card against Trump.

Under the former Republican president’s administration, “Black unemployment and reinsurance rates skyrocketed. His tax scam worsened the racial wealth gap, the typical white household that doubled the cut of a typical black household. Some 300,000 Black Americans lost health insurance in the first two years of his presidency,” Beatty claimed in an angry tirade.

In reality, Black Americans had an all-time high employment rate under Trump.