
WATCH: Joe Biden Rambles Incoherently, Tells BET Host He “Got Arrested For Being on the Porch with a Black Family”

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Joe Biden sat down for an interview with Black Entertainment Television (BET) host Ed Gordon to pander to black voters.

Joe “you ain’t black” Biden is struggling with black voters as the 2024 election cycle goes into full swing.

Meanwhile, President Trump is making inroads with blacks.

Biden’s interview with BET was a pathetic attempt to appeal to black voters. Biden rambled incoherently as he lied about his involvement in the civil rights movement.

This is one of Biden’s favorite lies (he has many).

“I got involved in the civil rights movement [unintelligible].”

At this point, Biden mumbled through a long-winded story about his dead parents, Barack Obama and a train ride to Delaware.