
Venezuelan Migrant Who Instructs Illegal Aliens on How to Invade American Homes and Invoke Squatter’s Rights Believed to Be a Sergeant in Dictator Maduro’s Military Intelligence Unit

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Illegal immigrant from Venezuela, Leonel Moreno

Federal sources have revealed that Leonel Moreno, a Venezuelan illegal immigrant and TikTok influencer, who gained notoriety for promoting squatting in US homes, is believed to have been a sergeant in Venezuela’s military intelligence unit, The New York Post first reported.

For context, Moreno’s activities came to light when his TikTok account @leitooficial_25 was suspended for violating the platform’s policies against promoting criminal behavior. He had attracted a following of over 500,000 before the suspension.

“If a house is not inhabited, we can seize it,” he asserts in the video, which has now been viewed nearly 4 million times.

In the controversial clip, Moreno speaks in Spanish,