
“Where Were You When President Trump Was Shot?” RNC Guests Give Their Answers! GREAT VIDEO INTERVIEWS!

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The Republican National Convention culminated last night with an amazing speech from President Trump, who became emotional when talking about how his life almost ended after the assassination attempt last Saturday.

Many Americans from older generations remember in vivid detail where they were when they found out that JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

We at The Gateway Pundit asked Republicans at the RNC, “Where were you when President Donald Trump was shot?” Here is what they had to say:

Where were you when President Trump was shot?

Many American from older generations remember in vivid detail where they were when they found out that JFK was assassinated in 1963.

We at The Gateway Pundit asked people at the RNC “Where were you when President Donald Trump was… pic.twitter.com/7TovQ8jce2

— Cara Castronuova (@CaraCastronuova) July 19,