
JD Vance-Endorsed Candidate Blake Masters Holds Slight Lead in Arizona Primary

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A new survey of Republican primary voters in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District has Blake Masters holding a one-point lead in the overall primary, with Abe Hamadeh in second place.

According to the poll conducted by Fabrizio, Lee & Associates, Masters is polling at 27 percent, while Hamadeh is in second with 26 percent. Ben Toma is third with 17 percent, and Trent Franks is fourth with 16 percent.

It’s so funny to see opponents pushing fake polls, as if they’re fooling anyone but themselves.

Here’s a *real* poll from July 11 by President Trump’s pollster. The truth is this race is close, and I’ve got the momentum. pic.twitter.com/w7HRRy9F4I

— Blake Masters (@bgmasters) July 20,