
Now That the RNC Is Over – Republicans Should Not Fool Themselves that Democrats Are Going for the Steal – This Time with Very Different Dynamics

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Now that the Republican convention is over let’s not fool ourselves.

Democrats may have a mentally impaired and unpopular candidate hellbent on destroying the nation – but they do have a system to manufacture votes and steal elections.

Trump adviser Peter Navarro takes the stage at the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin after his release from prison earlier today.

Guest post by Jay Valentine at Omega4America

For Trump, 2024 Is An Election. For Leftists, It’s a STEAL.

Michael Whatley, RNC Chairman, in a Dan Bongino interview from the convention, was asked how the RNC would stop the illegal aliens voting. His response – the RNC sent a letter to every Secretary of State telling them illegal aliens are not allowed to vote.