
REVEALED: Sanctuary Cities Drowning Under Migrant Invasion Have Begun Quietly Cooperating With ICE

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A number of Democratic cities drowning under the pressure of the illegal migrant invasion have quietly started cooperating with Immigration and Customers Enforcement (ICE).

According to NBC News, several cities are now informing ICE about releasing illegal aliens from jail and even exploring ways in which they can expand their cooperation.

The report states:

In an interview, acting ICE Director P.J. Lechleitner said some counties and cities that previously refused to tell ICE when they were releasing undocumented immigrants from jail are now discussing ways they might be able to coordinate with ICE further, like giving it advance notice before migrants convicted of violent crimes are released.

Previously, those jurisdictions had been among the many cities with Democratic or progressive leadership that had been refusing to work with ICE out of concern it might inhibit the investigation of crimes.