
Mike Cernovich on How Democrats Are Gearing Up to Steal the 2024 Election — Are Republicans Paying Attention? (VIDEO)

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Mike Cernovich discussed the 2024 election in his interview with Tucker Carlson.

Author and filmmaker Mike Cernovich recently sat for a two-hour interview with Tucker Carlson.

The two men covered a wide range of topics, including homeschooling, advice to young men, war with Russia, and Jeffrey Epstein.

(The entire interview is posted here.)

At one point, Tucker asked Mike about his election predictions. Here is Mike’s response.

Tucker Carlson: What’s going to happen in this election?

Mike Cernovich: Nobody can know because the Democrats have all these tricks off their sleeves that people aren’t prepared for. For example, what they’re doing now with motor voter registration is they’re registering illegal immigrants who come into the country,