
That Was Quick: Kamala Harris’s Mental Health Comes into Question Now that Joe Biden Gives Miss Word Salad the Nod for 2024

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Critics are already questioning Kamala’s verbal diarrhea the day after she was picked by Old Joe Biden to replace him on the Democratic ticket.

Kamala Harris’s rehearsed mantra makes little sense but she likes to repeat it all the time.

She thinks she’s showing her depth of thought – she’s not.

Via Midnight Rider.

Already, critics are questioning Kamala Harris’s mental health now that Joe Biden’s handlers removed him from the race and threw their support behind Miss Word Salad.

Pundits are questioning her verbal diarrhea.

That didn’t take long.

Chris Pollard at The Daily Mail reported:

Kamala Harris’s rambling ‘word salad’ speeches may be a symptom of a little-known but common psychological condition called logorrhoea — also known as verbal diarrhoea.