
INGRASSIA: Trump-Harris Matchup: Early Polling Looks Very Promising For President Trump

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Credit: @JesseBWatters

Although we’re still in the early stages of the so-called “Kamala Harris campaign,” initial polling would suggest President Trump does as well, if not better, in a head-to-head contest against the vice president as he did against Joe Biden.

As it stands, Kamala Harris’ poll numbers are abysmal.  She currently polls as the most unpopular vice president since the advent of modern polling.  Her 32 percent net favorability (compared with a 49% unfavorability rating) is lower than both Dan Quayle and Dick Cheney, the architect of the universally despised Iraq War.

A recent poll by HarrisX/Forbes gives President Trump a nine-point lead over Harris, 50% to 41%, higher than the lead that same poll gave him over Biden,