
Squad Opponent Calls Out Cori Bush and Dems For Failing To Protect President Trump

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Representative Cori Bush, of St. Louis (currently representing Missouri’s 1st Congressional District), who famously cheered the lawless BLM riots and spent nearly $250,000,000 on private security, will likely face Black Trump supporting entrepreneur Andrew Jones in November, IF she makes it through the Democratic primary, where recent primary polling has shown her down as much as 20% points against a more moderate Democrat and former prosecutor.

Wesley Bell, Bush’s primary opponent, has reportedly garnered the support of the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC). 

Toxic Democrat Cori Bush Calls Trump “The Former White Supremacist in Chief” During House Hearing (VIDEO)

As recently reported by the Gateway Pundit, Cori Bush claims she can perform miracles and heal people,