
LAUGHABLE: Hakeem Jeffries Says Kamala Harris Has ‘Earned’ the Dem Nomination From the Grassroots Up, Not From the Top Down (VIDEO)

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House minority leader Hakeem Jeffries endorsed Kamala Harris for the Democrat nomination this week, claiming that she earned the nomination from the grassroots up and not from the top down.

This is the complete opposite of the truth. Kamala Harris did not receive a single primary vote. Her nomination was decided by the same Democrat power brokers who forced Joe Biden out of the race. There is absolutely nothing grassroots about Kamala Harris. No one in the grassroots even asked for her.

This is what the Democrats do. They stand before the American people and lie with no capacity for shame.

FOX News reports:

Jeffries later praised Harris for winning support from Democrats “from the grassroots up and not the top-down,” adding,