
‘Non-Partisan’ Website Erases Page Showing Kamala Harris Was Most Liberal of All 100 Senators in 2019

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Kamala Harris cackles when asked about being the “most liberal Senator.”

GovTrack, which purports to track “the U.S. Congress to make our government more open and accessible,” has apparently ‘disappeared’ Kamala Harris’s 2019 page, which ranked her as the most liberal senator out of 100.

Archives, however, are forever.

The now-missing page shows data from Harris’s time in the Senate and compared to other senators. The analysis shows in 2019, Harris was the least likely to cosign on bipartisan legislation, missed 61.9% of votes, held the fewest committee positions, and ranked second from last in getting sponsored bills out of committee.

The organization claims the erasure is due to a change in how they report information and directs users to a new watered-down page that makes finding her liberal ranking more difficult.