
SHOCK POLL: Only 3 Out of 10 Think Kamala Harris Can Win Presidential Race

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After the Democrat ‘palace coup’ has taken feeble Joe Biden out of the Presidential race and ushered his Vice President Kamala Harris as the presumptive candidate, a whole new dynamic has emerged, and the newest polls show just how much of an uphill battle Harris has to face in terms of her own personal credibility.

While she is indeed showing signs of momentum as she enters the fray, the Democrat machine so far has not proven to be a substitute for a strong personality, likeability and credibility.

Support by Dem chieftains hasn’t translated to faith among the general public that Harris can win.

New York Post reported:

“In a poll of 1,605 people (1,435 of whom are registered voters) YouGov conducted between July 21 and 23 — a period that encompasses Biden’s announcement not to run and the quick coalescence of Democratic elites around Harris — only 31% think the vice president has what it takes to earn a promotion this year.”

The lack of confidence in Harris affects both men and women.