
Proud Father J6 Hostage Billy Chrestman Is Released from Prison After 3 1/2 Years of Captivity – His Family Has Lost Everything – Please Help Billy If You Can

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If you were to search for J6 articles in The Gateway Pundit, you would be able to find many articles on Billy Chrestman. Some readers might remember his harrowing experience with the corrupt Department of Justice since February 11th, 2021, when he was kidnapped from his home by the FBI, thrown in several prisons before landing in the DC “Gulag” for three years. His story is not unlike many who are being held within the walls of these gulag jails and prisons. His family is everything to him, he’s an Army Veteran, a former union sheet metal worker, and a man with a deep love for his country.

As a journalist, I have been able to meet many J6 defendants,