
Venezuelan Communist Tyrant Maduro Learns Tricks from US Democrats – Blocked Election Observers from Access to Ballot Counting Rooms

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In November 2020 Democrats in Pennsylvania blocked Republican election observers, including Corey Lewandowski and former Florida AG Pam Bondi, from observing the ballot counting room in Philadelphia after the November 3rd election.

Republican observers were barred from entering the Philadelphia vote counting center even after receiving the appellate court order.

BREAKING: Republican observers barred from entering Philly vote counting center even after receiving court order pic.twitter.com/9b6WIr7h4M

— Jack Poso (@JackPosobiec) November 5, 2020

The Philadelphia Sheriff did not enforce the appellate court order, according to Corey Lewandowski, who was on the ground in Philly. Pam Bondi said the counting machines were moved far away from observers, defying the court order allowing GOP observers to be no more than 6 feet away from officials counting ballots.