
Biden’s Radical Plan To “Reform” The Supreme Court – Which Has Kamala’s Full-Throated Endorsement – Indicate A Party Totally In Thrall To Far-Left Extremists

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On Monday, the Biden-Harris regime rolled out perhaps its most extreme policy yet – a fundamental transformation of the nation’s highest court that seeks to neuter it root and branch of political independence, converting it into yet another cog that would irremediably carry out the marching orders of the Democratic Party’s leftmost flank.

Biden’s radical plan, which he claimed would help “strengthen the guardrails of democracy,” is anything but small-d democratic: it amounts to a power-grab by the Executive Branch, intended to eradicate separation of powers, and guarantee the Supreme Court marches to the increasingly totalitarian dictates of the regnant political order.

The plan received the full-throated endorsement of Kamala Harris, now the presumptive Democratic nominee,