
Opposition Leaders Offer Proof That Venezuelan Elections Were Stolen By Communist Tyrant Maduro – Then Regime Blocks Website

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This article originally appeared on GatewayHispanic.com and was republished with permission.

Venezuelan opposition candidate Edmundo González joined by Maria Corina Machado earlier today spoke at a press conference and stated that they have the proof they needed to show that Edmundo was the winner of the country’s highly anticipated presidential election.

Maria Corina Machado claimed that Nicolás Maduro received 2.7 million votes and Edmundo González more than 6 million votes.

Press Conference @MariaCorinaYA claims that Nicolás Maduro received 2.7 million votes and Edmundo González more than 6 million votes! https://t.co/nBnXQLIblP

— Gateway Hispanic (@GatewayHispanic) July 29, 2024

As they spoke,