
ARBITRARY DETENTION: Human Right Activist Leader and Beauty Queen Detained with 53 Others During Peaceful Protest Against Human Rights Violations in Venezuela

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This article originally appeared on GatewayHispanic.com and was republished with permission.

In an act of repression and human rights violation, Leydenth Casanova, director of Fundación Colibrí, along with 53 others, was arbitrarily detained while exercising their right to peaceful protest.

Dr. Casanova reported this on her WhatsApp status moments before her final detention.

Leydenth Casanova, a veterinarian and Venezuela’s representative in Miss Falls International, has been a prominent figure in social work in Venezuela. Through Fundación Colibrí, she has helped thousands obtain medicine in a country where even aspirin is hard to find due to the crisis.

Freddy Superlano, a leader of Voluntad Popular (the party that truly won the elections),