
EMERGENCY CALL TO ACTION: Please Help Stop Feds From Transferring J6 Political Prison Ryan Samsel For The 29th Time So He Can Finally Get LifeSaving Surgery

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Ryan Samsel suffers from untreated brain injury and a broken orbital floor from repeated brutal assaults by correctional officers.

J6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel finally filed a lawsuit to persuade a judge to grant him authorization for the critical surgery and medical treatment he has conspicuously been deprived of for three and a half years.

But he had to do it pro se, and this reporter, with the assistance of a legal expert, helped him.

The complaint was filed in the Eastern District of New York on July 19.

Jan 6. Political Prisoner … by Alicia Powe

Days later, it seemed too good to be true. Doctors within the dangerous pretrial federal Brooklyn prison reviewed his medical records, which he disclosed to the public entirely in the 232-page lawsuit,