
Pope Francis Tells Pro-LGBT Conference He Will Be ‘Spiritually with All of You United in Prayer’

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Pro-abortion Joe Biden greets fellow leftist radical Pope Francis.

While globalist Pope Red Francis purges conservatives from the Church, he publicly embraces leftist radicals.

This week, Francis sent a handwritten letter of support to Father James Martin to share his support of an upcoming pro-LGBT Outreach conference Martin is participating in.

“Outreach 2024” will be held from August 2 to 4 at Georgetown University “that will bring together LGBTQ Catholics, their friends and families and those who minister to them.”

Outreach 2024 shared the letter from Francis on their website:

Dear brother,
Thank you very much for your email.
I am glad that Cardinal Gregory will celebrate the Mass; I will be spiritually with him and with all of you,